Monday, November 27, 2006
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
It's our first Christmas in the new house, and it's so fun to plan the Christmas decorations. While I haven't completed all of the decorations, at least the Christmas tree is up and finished. It's a musical theme this year, something I've always wanted to do. Here are pictures for those of you far away. Oh, how we will wish for your voices as we sing carols around the piano this year! Know that you are in our hearts and thoughts and prayers every day.
Gracie With the Twinkling Eyes
How adorable is that...'nuff said.
There goes my heart again - it skips a beat every time I see her.

My, How He's Grown!!
Here are a few pictures from earlier this month. Jude continues to grow and is smiling, laughing and cooing. He is so adorable.
Bath time is fun!!
Jude and Mommy - do you think he looks more like Jon?

Grammie shows Jude pictures of when he was born. He was VERY interested. He is soooo smart for his age.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Time, Stand Still!!

Here are a few pictures of our time here:
Mama Kaye has Gracie's full attention.

Now here's a proud Daddy.

Everyday, she's more alert to her surroundings.

Now, I don't look like I'm just 2 weeks old, do I?

Pop is pretty proud of his Gracie, too!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Full of Grace
Once again, I am held captive to a love that only a grandma can understand. I arrived in Orlando to visit my granddaugther, Grace Olivia, for the first time, and oh my goodness, my heart simply swelled with love and joy!! No words can express the feeling of holding your little grandbaby for the first time, nor the joy of seeing your own child holding her first child. Here's an example:

Thank you, Lord, for these wonderful blessings!!

Thank you, Lord, for these wonderful blessings!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
God Bless You!!
Who would have thought that my heart would be so captivated by one tiny sneeze...but it was. See if it doesn't do the same to you. Make sure your sound is up. Gracie's Sneeze.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Welcome Grace Olivia!!
Today!! we welcome our 2nd grandbaby: Grace Olivia Birdsell. She is a delight, and we love her dearly, even though we haven't yet held her in our arms. What a blessing these precious babies are to our family. My heart swells with love and joy. Praise be the Lord for His great blessings!!

She's so tiny in her daddy's arms!!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Keeping up with the Kiddos
Well, we did it. We just had to get our own blog going. We couldn't sit by and let all of our kids have blogs and not set one up of our own!! Here we go!!
Here's a picture of Jules, aka Grammie with Jude.
Here's a picture of Vern, aka Pop and Jude.
Here's a picture of Jules, aka Grammie with Jude.
Here's a picture of Vern, aka Pop and Jude.
And here's a picture of Jules, aka Grammie with Jude.

We would have never dreamed how wonderful it is to be a grandparent. All the pressures are off and you can simply enjoy your grandkids!! It's wonderful!! We love him so much, we can hardly stand it. He's beautiful!!