Monday, November 27, 2006
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
It's our first Christmas in the new house, and it's so fun to plan the Christmas decorations. While I haven't completed all of the decorations, at least the Christmas tree is up and finished. It's a musical theme this year, something I've always wanted to do. Here are pictures for those of you far away. Oh, how we will wish for your voices as we sing carols around the piano this year! Know that you are in our hearts and thoughts and prayers every day.
Gracie With the Twinkling Eyes
How adorable is that...'nuff said.
There goes my heart again - it skips a beat every time I see her.

My, How He's Grown!!
Here are a few pictures from earlier this month. Jude continues to grow and is smiling, laughing and cooing. He is so adorable.
Bath time is fun!!
Jude and Mommy - do you think he looks more like Jon?

Grammie shows Jude pictures of when he was born. He was VERY interested. He is soooo smart for his age.