I've been tagged!!! Oh no...I hate this kind of thing!! 5 things that others don't know about me?
Well, here goes:
1. When I was younger, I wanted to be a comedienne like Carol Burnett, that or a billboard painter. Billboard painter, you ask? That was back in the day when they used real paint and the "artist" sketched and painted the advertisement himself, high above the ground. Now that's talent!! I've always regreted that I didn't study art more seriously.
2. When I was in junior high, I hit 72 out of 75 freethrows for the season. In seventh grade, 5'1" was average height for a girl, and I was a star player. My career game high was 30 points (39-9 Spring Jr. High vs. Trinity Lutheran School, Dec 1971). I was shooting 3-pointers before there WERE 3-pointers. Alas, by the time I got to high school, all my BB friends had grown 2-6 inches taller and my coach was prejudiced against short girls. So sad, but I still LOVE THE GAME!!
3. Don't tell my girls, but when I started college, I had decided that, if and when I ever got married, I didn't want to have any children. Man, am I glad that I didn't stick with THAT decision. I can't imagine my life without my precious girls.
4. The summer between 5th and 6th grade, I won the talent show at church camp by doing an imitation of a DRUNK!! I learned the routine from my dad. The things you learn from dads...
5. I have composed about 63 songs, music and lyrics. Almost all are praise and worship songs, dedicated to our Lord and declaring His attributes and grace through His Son, Jesus. I wish I hadn't given up piano lessons when I was in 8th grade. I wish I had time to play more often now.