My mother came from a family of four children, and each of them had one daughter each plus sons. Here are our parents from oldest to youngest: Marilyn and Bill (top, right to left),
Dora May (Doty) and Martha (bottom, left to right).

Here they are in later years: Martha, Doty, Bill and Marilyn, youngest to oldest, left to right.

Our parents have left us a wonderful heritage of faith and family. I have unforgettable memories of family times when we would all gather for a holiday. We called it "hoggin' up" because the house was full to the brim with grandparents, parents, kids, and dogs. These times were full of stories and laughter and food and music. Most pictures have our moms in housecoats. It seemed they were never quite able to get past the coffee pot and pajamas.
Now, it's 40-50 years later and all of the daughters have grown up and had their own families. Here's a picture from the late 70's.
Left to right: Bill's daughter, Lucy; Marilyn's daughter, Nancy; Doty's daughter, me (Julie); and Martha's daughter, Susan.
I think the baby is Jamie, Nancy's oldest daughter.

After years of trying, we finally were able to get together again for a marvelously memorable weekend. The flood of emotion that washed over me came unexpectedly. It was so wonderful to be with this part of my family again. And as years gone by, we filled our time with stories, laughter, food, and music; and oh yes, Lucy's "Shop Till You Drop-Lessons 1 thru 5." Aunt Martha got a C-.
Here we are today, same order. (Where are those skinny jeans?!?!?!)

Aunt Martha and Aunt Mari, Uncle Bill's wife, were able to join us. Here we are all together.
Thank you, Lucy, for hosting such a great weekend. I loved being with each and every one of you!!
I look forward to next year, same time, same place!!
To all the Walker family tree, please reserve the second weekend in July for this annual gathering. Details to follow.