Sunday, July 27, 2008

When you don't have sisters, cousins are the best!!

My mother came from a family of four children, and each of them had one daughter each plus sons. Here are our parents from oldest to youngest: Marilyn and Bill (top, right to left),
Dora May (Doty) and Martha (bottom, left to right). Here they are in later years: Martha, Doty, Bill and Marilyn, youngest to oldest, left to right.Our parents have left us a wonderful heritage of faith and family. I have unforgettable memories of family times when we would all gather for a holiday. We called it "hoggin' up" because the house was full to the brim with grandparents, parents, kids, and dogs. These times were full of stories and laughter and food and music. Most pictures have our moms in housecoats. It seemed they were never quite able to get past the coffee pot and pajamas.

Now, it's 40-50 years later and all of the daughters have grown up and had their own families. Here's a picture from the late 70's.
Left to right: Bill's daughter, Lucy; Marilyn's daughter, Nancy; Doty's daughter, me (Julie); and Martha's daughter, Susan.
I think the baby is Jamie, Nancy's oldest daughter.

After years of trying, we finally were able to get together again for a marvelously memorable weekend. The flood of emotion that washed over me came unexpectedly. It was so wonderful to be with this part of my family again. And as years gone by, we filled our time with stories, laughter, food, and music; and oh yes, Lucy's "Shop Till You Drop-Lessons 1 thru 5." Aunt Martha got a C-.

Here we are today, same order. (Where are those skinny jeans?!?!?!)

Aunt Martha and Aunt Mari, Uncle Bill's wife, were able to join us. Here we are all together.
Thank you, Lucy, for hosting such a great weekend. I loved being with each and every one of you!!

I look forward to next year, same time, same place!!

To all the Walker family tree, please reserve the second weekend in July for this annual gathering. Details to follow.

June Travels

In mid-June, much to my heart's delight, I got to travel to N. Africa to see Jon, Sally and Jude. My friend, Sue, travelled with me, and we had a wonderful time loving on these three. We met up with them in the Paris airport, and we ate lunch and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jon before we had to part ways. He was on his way to the UK for some course work, and we headed back home with Sally and Jude.

Jon had been gone for a few days when he called home and spoke to Jude. Jude's face absolutely lit up with excitement when he heard his daddy's voice. Here's evidence!!
I had two main goals in going on this visit. To love on and encourage Sally, and to love on and play with Jude.

So we played...

and we played...
and we played!!!

And then we ate ice cream.

This was Jude very first ice cream cone.
He was sooooo cute!!

I just couldn't grab the camera fast enough for all the fun and cute things Jude did while I was there. Here's one my favorite things, although this picture doesn't come close to how cute he was.
Jude just loves music, and he will often ask for Sally's guitar. He is very gentle and careful with it. He holds it up like a bass fiddle and plays the strings in a very musical way. You know what I mean...he doesn't just "twang" on the strings, but picks and strokes them. Then when he's really into it, he'll close his eyes and sway with the music. Who knows what this kid will do when he's older, but I just bet he'll be a natural with music.

One of our outings was a trip to the big supermarket, kind of like a super Wal-Mart. It's about a 30 minute taxi drive, and we spent about three hours there eating lunch and shopping. It proved to be a long day for our little guy. I don't know of any better feeling than a little head laying on my shoulder. I also don't know of many things heavier than the dead weight of a sleeping child in your arms. Soon after this picture, we improvised a little bed in a shopping basket. Jude snoozed for most of the two remaining hours we shopped.

Sally was a marvelous tour guide, and took us to see some beautiful sights. Here's a fun picture from an outing. Aren't they adorable!!! Like I said, our friend Sue travelled with me, and she gave Sally and I a special gift by staying home with Jude while Sal and I went out to dinner. It was a wonderful evening for us to share our hearts. We both came away encouraged. I have to tell you that my daughters are my heros. They each inspire me toward our Lord, and this night was no different. I'm so thankful to Sue and to the Lord for giving us these special moments.

And believe or not, we ate sushi!!

Parting is always a hard thing, but when you feel like you have accomplished your goal, it becomes easier. I hope I'm right in saying that Sally was refreshed and encouraged by our visit. This knowledge made our goodbyes easier, even though they were still tearful.

I'm so very glad to have had this time with Sally. I have seen and experienced just a little taste of her life there. Knowing some of her world makes it easier to leave her there.

Always and ever, she and her dear family are in the Lord's care.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mother's Day in Orlando

This year for Mother's Day, Vernon & I travelled to Orlando to be with Scott & Kaye for the child dedication of their girls.
Pops was a big hit with his BIG SUNGLASSES!!

Grace was all smiles after the service. She had gone down a long walkway with her daddy, while I stayed with Kaye as she visited with friends. When Gracie turned around and saw me, she let out a big squeal and came running back to me. Just what every Grammie loves to heart was bursting!!
Gloria is quite a little chunk!! She is such a cutie and so eagerly smiles...however, her camera smiles are quite elusive. I just couldn't snap the shutter fast enough to catch her in full grin.
We loved playing with the girls and just couldn't get enough lap time.
Here I am showing Gracie a picture on my cell phone.

More fun!!

Anytime the little ones were awake, we either had them in our arms or were playing with them. We were so glad to get to see Gloria's sweet little personality.
Grammie's turn to hold Gloria.

Grace has a shoe fetish. She comes by it naturally through her great-Grammie and her Aunt Amy. She was always putting on someone's shoes and would leave them on for a long time!!
You just can't go wrong with a good game of Peek-A-Boo!!

Scott & Kaye, we had a wonderful time in your home!!
We hope it works out for you to move to your own new home soon.
We love you!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Love Springtime!!

Today, Dad & I got ambitious and did some yard work. I thought you might enjoy seeing the fruit of our labors. Presently, we are feeling the fruit of our labors: sore muscles and sunburns. Take a look at the pictures below and see if you agree that it's all worth it.

The top tier is supposed to be a bird bath.

The azaleas in the front are also just full of blooms and beautiful!!

Also, we added a little yard art, compliments of the Mexico Williams. It means "House of the Grandparents".

Finally, toward the end of the day, when I went out to take these pictures, Mama Squirrel came up to the feeder while I was right next to it. I got these pictures of her. She is swollen fat and I expect she'll have babies soon. Earlier in the day, a little male squirrel came up close to Dad while he was tending the feeders. The little rascal got pretty bold and came within two feet of Daddy. I was on the other side of the fence and got to see the hold thing. It was so cute.

Today's work was enjoyable. The sun and breeze were perfect. I wish you all were here to enjoy it with us.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Chloe Cuteness!!

Last weekend, we made a trip to San Antonio to help Matt & Mary with some major yard work. Of course, the fringe benefit for us was getting time with Chloe. Here's a cute video taken soon after we arrived. Pops and Chloe had a great time over the weekend, even though Pops was plenty tired and sore by the end of it.

Shortly after that first video, Chloe decided to demonstrate her new found talent...walking!! She is so cute and walking is her preferred mode of transportation now.

Here's another cute video of Chloe and her Mom. Mary didn't know Grammie was videoing this funny little ditty. Sorry Mary.

Time with the grandkids is always too short. Yet we're thankful for any time we do get to be together, whether in person or over the internet.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Julie Turns 50, and Other Sad News

Well, it happened. I finally hit the infamous mile-marker.
I was a little depressed about it at first, but hey, you're only as young as you feel, right. So they say that 50 is the new 30. All I can say to anybody who claims that is: you're in denial!
You're eyes are shot, you made friends with Lady Clairol along time ago, your bones start to creak, you start paying attention to Depends commercials.
But it's not all also get to enjoy your grandkids, and just pray that you can get back up off the floor without anyone's help.

Since all of my girls were out of town, my sweet husband and co-workers made sure that I was well taken care of that day. Evidence is below.
Before I arrived at work.

They made me dress up in this garb.

Of course, Vernon was in on all of it. Thanks, sweetie!!

I have to admit, it was fun.

Thanks, gals!!

They actually put 50 candles on the cake...nothing to make you feel really old than not being able to blow out all your candles.

While all this was wonderful, and I so appreciate the special treatment, the icing on top my birthday cake this year was getting to talk to all four of my daughters, even though they all were far away. It's hard to describe the wonderful love and delight I have in each one of my girls. Getting to visit and share and enjoy them that day was the best gift of all.